Children who live in zone have an absolute right to attend the school. Enrolments for children who live in zone are accepted throughout the year. For a full list of in zone streets, please click here.
MENPS 'Home Zone'
Section 11D(1) of the Education Act 1989 provides that, subject to the provisions of that Act, a person who lives in the Home Zone of a school that has an enrolment scheme is entitled to enrol at any time at that school.
The Act distinguishes between pre-enrolment and enrolment. ‘Pre-enrolment' refers to the process of applying for entry to the school. ‘Enrolment' occurs when attendance at the school commences and the student is first marked as present on the school roll.
The onus is on the parent / guardian to provide evidence which will enable the school to judge whether the given address will be the child's usual place of residence when the school is open for instruction. A signed and witnessed Statutory Declaration is also required
The school may actively collect information and make all necessary enquiries in its opinion to ensure that enrolment details contained in the application are accurate.
The school cannot process a Home Zone enrolment application in advance on the basis of a signed tenancy or settlement agreement. The applicant must be resident at the enrolment address prior to making the application.
Parents or Guardians of children who reside within the Home Zone (or who will be moving into the zone) are requested to Pre-Enrol. For new entrants, it is helpful to have pre-enrolment details of the child when they turn 4 to allow the school to forward plan for staffing and resourcing.
To pre-enrol your child, please click here.
Enrolment Procedure
The enrolment procedure for new entrants should be completed 6-8 weeks before the child starts school.
For all enrolments, once you have completed the online enrolment form and the required documentation delivered back to the school office, we will then contact you with your child's new classroom information.
We will also arrange pre-school visits for the parent and children who are about to turn 5. Most children will visit twice, and where possible, visits will be to the class the child will be placed in. An adult or family member must stay with the child for the duration of these visits.
The address given at the time of application for pre-enrolment must be the child's usual place of residence and is intended to remain the usual place of residence when the school is open for instruction. This means if you currently live at a Home Zone address but move to an out of Home Zone address before the child's first day of attendance at the school, the child will not be entitled to enrol at the school and the Board may withdraw any offer of a place made on the basis of the given address.
Moving out of the Home Zone after commencing at Mt Eden Normal Primary School
Only a child who lives in the Home Zone is entitled to enrol at Mt Eden Normal Primary School and because the Board has the statutory power to annul the enrolment in certain circumstances, all changes to the student's usual place of residence involving moving out of the Mt Eden Normal Primary School zone, must be immediately notified to the Board in writing, along with an application seeking permission from the Board to remain at Mt Eden Normal Primary School.
Please note that this should be made in advance of the change to the student's primary residence and/or that listed on the Statutory Declaration.
Enrolment based on false information or temporary residence.
The Ministry of Education has advised that parents should be warned of the possible consequences of attempting to gain enrolment by knowingly giving a false address or false information or by making an in-zone living arrangement which is intended to be only temporary.
Such as;
Renting accommodation in the Home Zone on a short term basis
Arranging temporary board in the Home Zone with a relative or family friend
Using the Home Zone address of a relative or friend as an ‘address of convenience' with no intention to live there on an on going basis
Using a Home Zone business address as an ‘address of convenience' with no intention to live there on an on going basis.
If the school learns that a child was not living at the Home Zone address given at the time of pre-enrolment, or the school has reasonable grounds to believe that a temporary Home Zone residence has been used for the purpose of gaining enrolment at the school then the Board may review that enrolment. Unless the parents / guardians can provide satisfactory explanation within 10 days, the Board may annul the enrolment.
This course of action is provided for under Section 11 (O) and 11 (OA) of the Education Act 1989.
Change of Contact Details:
If you change any of your contact details (such as address or phone number), please let our Office Manager know by email on admin@mteden.school.nz